Everybody Sells : Escape mediocrity, close all of your sales, and live an epic life. (9781979153669)

Reading your client's mind... Is possible. But first you have to understand your own. And wait! I ask you NOT to buy this book if.... * You will only read it and not take action (Implementing the dozens of persuasion techniques that you will learn!). * You are not interested in negotiating the epic life that you deserve (Zero stress, total success, abundance and happiness, at the reach of your hands). * You are bored with topics such as: body language, motivation, follow-up, integrity, service and success. In "Everybody Sells: Escape mediocrity, close all of your sales, and live an epic life." Cris Urzua teaches us the secrets of the profession that makes the world go round: Sales. This book is a new classic on practical learning in sales. Every sales person, expert, novice, entrepreneur, manager or director has to read it. Buy the book here and find out more on: www.crisurzua.com www.mindsetandskills.com www.sellingthroughservice.com

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Download Everybody Sells : Escape mediocrity, close all of your sales, and live an epic life. (9781979153669).pdf, available at laboraeditions.com for free.

